Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

This is such a good franchise. I mean, seriously, these movies have made Star Trek cool. That has to mean something.

I really am going to keep this review brief, mostly because it's been a couple weeks since I saw the movie and I can't remember the details or order of events all that well. Plus, there are a couple main plot points that I really don't want to give away.

Star Trek Into Darkness, directed by J.J. Abrams, starts out with the Enterprise scouting out a planet with a fairly uncivilized population. They have discovered that the volcano on the island is about to erupt and will wipe out the entire race unless they stop it. So.. Spock (Zachary Quinto) is in the volcano. Trying to freeze it. Obviously it works. It'd be pretty lame if Spock died in the first ten minutes of the movie. However, they mess up. Kirk (Chirs Pine) lets the indigenous population see the ship - which is against the rules. Oops.

Kirk loses his title as Captain of the Enterprise because of his little "oops" after Spock files a report against him. But Pike (Bruce Greenwood) fights for him and at least gets him to stay on the Enterprise as Pike's First Officer. Because of this, he gets to go to the meeting that Starfleet has just called. How convenient, right? Or maybe not. The meeting is attacked by one of Starfleet's own. John Harrison. Actually - Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch). Anyway, some people are injured and killed. So Kirk approaches the Admiral, asking to go after this guy, after they track him to the Klingon planet.

Kirk and Spock are at odds because Kirk feels betrayed by Spock, but they kiss and make up pretty soon and Spock gets to come back aboard the Enterprise with Kirk to chase down Khan. Uhura is also fighting wtih Spock because he's "insensitive" and didn't care about her feelings for him when he was in the volcano. But they follow him to the Klingon planet, where Kirk disobeys his orders and captures Khan (after he saves their lives) when he was ordered to kill him. Once Khan is on the ship, he gets Kirk to talk to him where he tells him that he was set up by Admiral Marcus (Peter Weller),  who is trying to start a war with the Klingons.

So, basically, Star Trek Into Darkness has two villains. You have Khan, who is a genetically engineered super human. And you have Marcus, who is the head guy of Starfleet. These are two guys who you really don't want on your bad side. Pretty powerful.

There isn't a whole lot more I can say about the plot without giving the good stuff away, and I probably already gave away some, so I'm going to leave it there.

I need to say that I am not a fan or the original series. For no reason other than I have never watched it. But I think that J. J. Abrams has done a wonderful job at creating lovable characters for people just like me and even some people who watched the series before. The actors are not the most talented in Hollywood, but they do bring these characters to life. And they have great one-liners and onscreen chemistry that you cannot overlook.

In some of the other reviews I have read, people have complained about the plot of the movie. I don't really understand what their problem is, I guess. Of course it's predictable and not very original. It's an action movie, what do you expect?

Maybe I'm easy to please. I know that my brother thinks so. He hates most movies, and I gush over them. Haha. From reading my reviews so far, you might have guessed this. This is my eighth review, I think, and I've only given one bad review.

Also, I saw this movie in 3D. Totally worth it. As long as you aren't in my hometown. Our 3D sucks. But I went out of town to see it, so it was awesome. Best one I've seen in 3D since Avatar, for sure.

Definitely looking forward to the next one!

I give it nine out of ten stars.

P.S.: This movie has gotten me really excited for Ender's Game, coming out in November. I love Sci-Fi movies. =)

Thanks for reading!


  1. haha I can really hear your voice in this
    - Mando
