Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Iron Man 3

I love Iron Man.

This review is for Iron Man 3, directed by Shane Black. Amazing movie. Very well done. Don't see it in 3D... it's a waste of money.

There is a new threat to the country. The Mandarin. And it's a threat that Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) has a weird connection to from years ago. Back when he was still in the weapons business. Back when he was still sleeping around. Before Iron Man. Before Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow).

Tony is struggling with severe anxiety after the alien invasion in New York (from The Avengers). He can't sleep. He's been building more and more suits. And the Mandarin is bombing places and making threats against the country and the president. Then Happy (Jon Favreau) gets severely injured in one of the bombings because he was following a suspicious character, and when he told Tony about him, he just shrugged it off. Now Tony has a personal reason to go after the Mandarin. Revenge. He tells the Mandarin(actually the whole world, since he told the media) where he lives. Tells him to be a man and come see him.

Well, that wasn't very smart.

The Mandarin heard his invitation to his home. And they come with helicopters, guns, and bombs. Pepper knew that Tony and her needed to get out. And was trying to convince him to leave when they attack the home. They also had a visitor. One of Tony's one night stands, Maya. The one that connects him to the bombs and the Mandarin. She doesn't really have time to explain why she is there though, as the side of the house is blown off shortly after she arrives.

One of Tony's fancy new suits saves Pepper from the blast by attaching to her while she is flying through the air. It's pretty neat. She then gets Maya and herself outside while Tony runs about the house trying to avoid getting killed. After Pepper is clear of the house, he calls the suit back to him and starts to kick some butt. But, the suit is a new prototype, and the flight isn't working properly yet. So, Tony gets drug into the ocean with his house. Then the flight starts working and he flies out of the ocean, passes out in the suit and crash lands in Tennessee. Where he was previously planning on going to investigate a bombing from years ago.

Jarvis (the suit - voiced by Paul Bettany) dies here. And Tony is alone - without his armor. So, he breaks into a house, where he meets a cute little kid named Harley (Ty Simpkins). The kid helps him and takes him to the site of the bombing. Here he figures out that the bomber didn't die, like previously thought. Somehow he survived a bombing that vaporized everyone else. So, the bomb is the person (which we already know because we see the bombing that Happy is at). Which he soon finds out first hand, as two of these human bombs are also in town and attack him. He really has a special knack for being in the wrong place.

He manages to escape. Find out where the Mandarin is. Goes there and finds out the Mandarin is really just an actor. ( I really liked that part) Gets captured. Escapes. Has Rhodes (Don Cheadle) join him and they go to bring down the Mandarin. Which is led by Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce). Aldrich Killian is not a fan of Tony because years ago, he told him he would meet him on the roof. He lied. Tony just left him up there while he hooked up with Maya. There is a big fight at the end that I really enjoyed.

I'm not going to give away any of that though. =)
And I absolutely won't tell you the very end. Or the after the credit stuff. I'm trying to work on shortening my plot summaries.

This installment was directed by Shane Black instead of Jon Favreau, and I think that you could tell. There weren't huge differences, but Shane Black has a little different style. The only other Shane Black movie I have ever seen is Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, which is my favorite crime comedy. Obviously, since I also mentioned it in my review of Pain and Gain.

Now, I am a huge fan of almost all super hero movies. I mean, who isn't?
But Iron Man really does something special for me (although my favorite superhero is Batman). I'm extremely attracted to Tony Stark. Not Robert Downey Jr., necessarily. But Tony Stark as a character. I love how cocky he is. And I love that he is such an asshole. And I love that he saves lives. =)

I also am very attracted to Pepper Potts. She's gorgeous, first of all. And such a sweetie. And a bit of a badass in this movie. (Basically what I am saying is I would be thrilled to be a part of Tony's and Pepper's nocturnal activites.. don't judge me. The light in his chest would bug me in this situation though.)

And Guy Pearce. Haha. Even though he is a "bad guy" in this movie, he's still yummy.
So this movie had a lot of eye candy for me. Both male and female.

I think that Iron Man 3 was very well done.

The humor in all the Iron Man movies is great. They have memorable characters who have lovely back and forth banter. I wish that Don Cheadle had been cast as Rhodes in the original though. He has much better chemistry with Robert Downey Jr. than Terrance Howard does.

This installment went a little deeper into Tony's character than the other ones have. We saw how much he was struggling with anxiety. Saw how scared he was of losing Pepper. Saw how terrible he was with kids. And saw how much he cared about his little dummy robot.

I hope all of you watch it. Can't wait for the next installment.

I gave it a 9 out of 10.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. 9 out of 10? That's a pretty high rating. But I disliked the first one so much, and gave the second one a chance, but I don't even think I finished it. I don't understand people's love for this franchise but I guess that's okay. -Mando
