Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Red 2

Red 2 was just as good as the first one, if not a little bit better. Other than my boyfriend drooling over Helen Mirren the entire movie, it was very enjoyable.

I'll admit it, When Red came out, I was not impressed with it. I was so tired of the movies about government agents who get framed for something bad and then come back to kick ass. (The A-Team, The Losers, The Expendables, etc.) But after watching it again, I realized that my love for Morgan Freeman wouldn't let me hate this movie. Plus, Marvin (John Malkovich) is hilarious.

Anyway, back to the movie at hand. Red 2 had the same humor that the first movie did. Frank (Bruce Willis) and Sarah (Mary-Louise Parker) are pretty much in hiding. Frank wants to settle down and keep her safe from the dangers of his past. But of course, that can't happen. While shopping one day at the local bulk grocery store, they run into Marvin. He warns them that danger is coming, and then blows up in the parking lot.

Sarah and Frank go to the funeral. Frank doesn't believe that Marvin is dead though, and tries to wake him up at the viewing. Sarah eventually gets him to sit down and during his eulogy, Frank actually cries. When they leave the church, they are intercepted by government agents. Frank is needed for questioning for his apparent ties to an old mission, Nightshade. Frank has no idea what they are talking about, and ends up getting away after another agent, Jack Horton (Neal McDonough) starts shooting up the place in an attempt to get Frank for himself. He is helped in this escape from none other than his dead friend, Marvin. Who also brought Sarah.

Now they know how serious their situation is, and they start trying to figure out what Nightshade was and why they are tied to it. They find out that somehow, their old friend Bailey (Anthony Hopkins) is connected too but he died years ago, or so they thought.

It doesn't take long for word to get around about how dangerous Frank and Marvin are. Victoria (Helen Mirren) gets a call from MI6 to kill them, and an old nemesis of Frank's, Han Cho Bai (Byung-hun Lee) also gets called for the hit. He is the best hit man in the world, and has an old festering hate for Frank for getting him locked up years ago. And they run into Frank's ex, Katja (Catherine Zeta-Jones), who is after the same thing for Russia. She greets Frank with a kiss. Sarah hates her.

With Victoria's help, after she decides not to kill them, they find Bailey in a mental institution. They break him out after finding out that Nightshade is referring to a nuclear weapon that he built years ago from red mercury, in Russia. Then they go on a mission to find it. Which is complicated by Bailey's loss of memory.

The movie is filled with a lot of laughs, quotes, and pretty good action scenes. This group of characters has a really good on-screen chemistry. Sarah gets a taste of what it is like to be more than just a victim of circumstance like she was in the first movie. She is much more involved in this one, and even gets a gun.

Anthony Hopkins is fantastic, of course. When is he not? Bailey is a mad scientist. A genius locked up with nothing but his own thoughts for years on end. Hopkins plays this character perfectly.

And of course, Helen Mirren. Victoria is awesome. There is no other word for her. She really steals the movie with her nonchalance as she dumps acid over bodies in the bathtub while on the phone. Then is a total bad-ass in the car with Han, shooting guns out of both windows as he drives.

There are several twists in this movie. Some of them you can see coming from miles away, but there are a couple that really take you by surprise.

I definitely recommend this movie to anyone that loves the action/comedy genre. It won't disappoint. I give it an 8 out of 10.

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