Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hi there!

Hello all!

This is my first attempt at writing a blog, so it might not be great at first. However, I do  think I can get it to be great with some practice. Keep in mind while you are reading this that I am not a English major. In fact, I hated English classes in school. I like to write because I am setting my thoughts free. So, this blog will be filled with personal opinions. If I offend you, stop reading it. I'm not writing this to cater to you. So, I will apologize for our differing opinions, and if that's not good enough for you then I suggest not reading it. I may, at times, be immature. For example, sometimes I will go see a movie just because I find one of the main actors attractive. That won't influence my opinion of their acting or of the movie itself though. Plenty of good looking actors out there that are terrible at their job.

I will try to do a couple reviews every month, and I will post a list of all the movies I hope to review for the coming month. I do come from a small town with only a six screen theater so I probably won't have very good access to a lot of the movies I wish to review until they come out on DVD. As soon as I can, I will watch them and post my thoughts on the movie.

Also, it should be noted that I don't do horror films very well. I am going to try to be open minded and strong and go see some of the big ones that come out. We will see how that goes.

Alright, I'm going to put up a list of the April movies I want to see and maybe do a review of a movie I saw recently.

Thanks for reading!

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