I love all these characters so much.
I took my nephew to see Despicable Me 2, directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud, and I am so glad that I did!
It's a great family movie that is fun for everyone. It's almost impossible to not love the little minions. Even the evil ones that are introduced in this movie are kinda cute. Not near as funny though.
It's been awhile since I watched this, so I will probably get the sequence of events wrong. Oops.
The movie starts with a secret laboratory being stolen from Antarctica by a mysterious magnetic flying machine. Dun dun dun.
Then we shift focus onto Gru (Steve Carell) and the girls. It's Agnes' birthday party, and a bunch of her friends are over awaiting the fairy princess. When the fairy princess can't make it - Gru ends up dressing up himself, so that Agnes (Elsie Fisher) isn't disappointed. One of the mothers at the party is trying to set Gru up with her friend, and he is far from interested.
Later, Gru is abducted by Lucy (Kristen Wiig) and taken to a secret underwater lair where an agency that works to stop super villains works. They want his help catching the thief of the laboratory from Antarctica, thinking that his previous work as a villain might give him some insight. They have tracked him down to the mall, but aren't sure which shop owner it might be. So Gru will get to go undercover as a cupcake shop owner and catch the bad guy. One catch, his partner is Lucy. And he isn't so sure that he likes Lucy.
That night, Gru helps Agnes practice her Mother's Day poem that she will be reciting in her upcoming play. Agnes remembers the lines perfectly, but has no emotion. When Gru asks her about this, she admits that she wishes she had a mother, and then she might be able to put more feeling into the poem.
On the next day, Gru and Lucy start to scope out the mall. They narrow it down to just a couple suspects, including Eduardo (Benjamin Bratt), who owns a Mexican restaurant and a wig shop owner. They search the wig shop and pick up traces of the potion they are looking for.
The girls are also at the mall, wandering around, when Margo (Miranda Cosgrove) sees a very good looking boy. His name is Antonio (Moises Arias) And he comes up to her, and asks if she wants to go get a cookie. She of course agrees, and leaves Edith (Dana Gaier) and Agnes by themselves. So, they tattle to Gru.
Antonio ends up being the son of none other than Eduardo, the main suspect. Gru gets Margo, but not before they are invited to a Cinco de Mayo party at Eduardo's home. Which the girls really really want to go to. Finding out that Antonio is Eduardo's son makes Gru convinced that Eduardo is the one he is looking for.
Gru and Lucy sneak into the mall at night and search Eduardo's restaurant, and Gru realizes that he knows him from his past. He used to be a villain named El Macho, and supposedly died after launching a shark, tied to a rocket into an erupting volcano, while he was connected. They break into his secret vault, thinking they will for sure find the stuff he stole from the lab, and instead find the secret salsa recipe. So they of course stop searching for a bit to snack on chips and salsa.
The next day, Silas Ramsbottom comes to the mall and arrests the wig shop owner, closing the case. Gru tells him that he is wrong, but Silas hears none of it. Lucy will be going to Australia. Gru is heartbroken. As much as he didn't like her to begin with, he had grown quite fond of Lucy over their little partnership. Unfortunately for Silas, they got the wrong guy. Eduardo really is the thief, and Gru finds this out at the Cinco de Mayo party. And he is being helped with his evil plans by none other than Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand), who had left Gru at the beginning of the movie for another career opportunity. They show Gru what they have been doing to his minions (who have been going missing throughout the movie) and ask him to join them. Gru refuses, of course. He has turned away from the villain way of life.
He goes back out to the party, finds that Antonio has left Margo to dance with another girl. Freezes Antonio and gets the girls home. He knows that he has to go after El Macho. And has a pleasant surprise when Dr. Nefario realized the error of his ways and comes back to help him, with the antidote.
I don't want to give away the end of the movie, but you know it ends happily ever after, it's for kids.
Despicable Me 2 is a cute movie. I don't think it is quite at the same level as the first movie, which is a 10 out of 10 to me, but it has a cute love story and Gru and the girls are still just as fun.
I loved how much this movie was like an action movie. From the way it started, to the very end, it had a plot that follows most adult action films.
I really liked the new character, Lucy. She was spunky and fun. And had a bit of a crush on Gru from the very beginning. She is a good match for him and his girls. And of course, I love Agnes. When she reads the Mother's Day poem at the end, I tear up a little. Just adorable.
And of course the minions. Whoever came up with these lovable little characters is a genius.
What I didn't like is that Edith really could have been left out of this movie completely, and it wouldn't have made much of a difference. They needed to make her character more important, I think.
Overall, I think it's definitely worth a watch. I plan on purchasing it when it comes out on DVD. And I give it an 8 out of 10.
Thanks for reading.
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